Study Permits


Benefit From a Top-notch Education


Happiness, Contentment, and Lifestyle

Canada is the top country in the world for quality of life, making it a terrific location to live.

Peaceful, Tranquil, Secure, and Safe

With the 11th lowest crime rate and third-lowest threat to personal safety from natural disasters, Canada is the world’s third-most peaceful and tranquil nation.

One of the World's Most Robust Economies

With good governmental integrity and sound financial conditions, Canada ranks eighth in the world for economic freedom.

The Tenth-Richest Nation

The GDP of Canada is expected to continue increasing and remain in the top 10 globally.

One of the World's Top Healthcare Systems

Based on the population living in Canada, this country has the third-best healthcare in the world.

سبک زندگی مفرح و شاد

انتظار می رود که کشور کاناداِ به لحاظِ تولید ناخالصِ داخلی همچنان به رشد خود ادامه داده و پیش بینی می شود که جایگاهِ خود را در جمعِ ۱۰ کشورِ برتر جهان حفظ کند.

کسبِ درآمد همراه با تحصیل

کانادا به شما این اجازه را می دهد که در حین تحصیل تمام وقت در این کشور، تا ۲۰ ساعت در هفته به کار مشغول شوید. درواقع تحصیل در کانادا بر داشتن یک برنامه ی آموزشی مبتنی بر مدرک و کسب تجربه کاری استوار شده است. توجه داشته باشید که در تعطیلات رسمی کانادا به شما اجازه ی کار تمام وقت خواهد داد.


Advance in Your Academic Life


Make a Future Plan

Selecting a college and a program for your future is vital and involves a wide range of significant factors that must be considered.

Counsel and Assistance

Throughout our clients' entire study cycle, SIMURGH provides guidance and assistance.


We will walk you through the process step by step from the time you get in touch with us until you arrive, developing a strategy that works for your immigration and academic objectives.

Your Pathway to Canada

Every province in Canada offers a unique program for all stages of education, including elementary and secondary school, post-secondary education, and graduate study.


We have a network of partner schools spread all over Canada, carefully selected based on factors including their location, level of education, tuition costs, standards, and program offerings, among others.


Long-term Studies


An academic program is carefully selected for clients who want to pursue any level of education and whose goal is to remain in Canada and become a Permanent Resident based on their prior coursework, age, work history, English proficiency, nationality, province, but most importantly, their employability and viability to obtain a study permit within an institution that will allow them to work after finishing their studies.

The process to begin applying for Permanent Residency is only possible if you have obtained a degree from a post-secondary institution recognized by the Canadian government. However, long-term studies can begin at any level of education and with any credential, including elementary and secondary school, college, or university.


Short-term Studies


For students who want to pursue a particular course of study in Canada for a set amount of time before finishing their course of study and returning home. These include:

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