Provincial Nominee Program


 Provincial Nominee Program


 Work Permits


Provincial Nominee Programs, also referred to as PNP, are provincial immigration streams operating under the Federal Immigration Umbrella in Canada.

Why this knowledge? Any applicant who does not qualify for the Federal Express Entry program or has accumulated sufficient points to seek a permanent Residency can use the Provincial Nominee Program route as an alternative way to apply.

The advantages of these programs, as far as selection is concerned, include possible lower thresholds, qualification criteria, and improved chances for skilled immigrants. Here, the main differentiators for all the PNP’s revolve around the question of whether they need a valid job offer and/or if the Federal Express Entry system facilitates the programs.

It is important to note that multiple criteria exist for each provincial program; however, the two cited here are the main differentials.


The different provinces run their own PNPs. Canada has ten provinces and three territories. The provincial immigration programs also have subcategories that include:

In-demand job stream (these are specific jobs with related work experience unique for each of the provinces).
Skilled worker stream supported by the Employer (these are skilled workers exposed to valid job offers)
Skilled workers stream with Canadian Experience (Skilled workers that have a long history of working for eligible employers within the province)
Skilled workers stream termed as Francophone (skilled applicants that can speak French)
International Education/Career stream (takes in the undergraduate international students that have graduated and are working with local employers)
International Post-Graduate Applicants (includes all graduates in Masters and Ph.D. programs at selected institutions/programs in particular provinces.

Main Benefits

International students who are studying in Canada and graduate successfully can gain eligibility for permanent residency irrespective of their little or no work experience in case they are ineligible or do not meet the points required to get the Federal Express Entry.
Skilled immigrants are working with ease.
Overseas skilled immigrants who do not have the criteria to apply or be selected through the Federal Express Entry can be selected or nominated by the provinces directly based on their 1) Occupation and 2) Work Experience in the relevant profession.


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